About Us
Mission: Harford Family House assists families and individuals experiencing homelessness in Harford County to achieve independence through housing, support, and resources dedicated to improving their financial stability and mental well-being.
Vision: Harford Family House is committed to building the start-to-finish solution to end homelessness in Harford County.
Values: Harford Family House fosters personal responsibility and dignity while providing resources and support. We cultivate a path to wholeness by:
- Showing Compassion
- Setting Structure
- Identifying and Developing Potential
- Strengthening the Individual and the Community
Harford Family House has been providing housing, support and resources to families with children in Harford County who have been experiencing homelessness since 1989. Over the years, Harford Family House has helped more than 2,000 people in more than 700 families, thanks to dedicated board members, professional staff, volunteers, churches, civic agencies, donors, business leaders and others in our community.
Harford Family House Emergency Shelter, previously operated by Faith Communities and Civic Agencies United (FCCAU), has been providing housing and hope to individuals in our community who are experiencing homelessness since 2006. Services include a safe space to sleep with clean linens, a locker, access to shower and laundry facilities, 3 meals a day and professional case management services to address whatever challenges each individual is facing.
Merger: Because both organizations have been providing similar services for many years, in 2021, the Board of Directors of the two organizations came together and decided that it made good sense to work together to end homelessness in our community. Both organizations were in strong financial positions and entered into the merger as equal partners. As of July 1, 2022, FCCAU merged with Harford Family House under the Harford Family House name and retaining the 501(c)(3) of Harford Family House. Because of this merger, Harford Family House will be able to serve anyone in our community experiencing homelessness, whether they are part of a family or on their own, old or young.
If you would like to learn more about us and how you can help us grow stronger in the fight against homelessness, please contact us by email mbiggs@harfordfamilyhouse.org or by phone at 410-273-6700