December Volunteer Spotlight: Scott Elliott
Our Volunteer Spotlight for this month is one that is extremely well-deserved. Scott Elliott, current HFH board member, was born and raised in Edgewood and never believed anyone should be homeless in his home county, so he joined the cause. He was approached by Mary Chance and Beth Hendrix of Harford County’s Department of Community Services in 2002 to help Holy Family House transition into Harford Family House. The Karas Family had just sold Delle Grove Apartment Building to Harford Family House and Gil Kennedy was forming a Board to guide the anticipated growth.

Non-profits are formed with time, treasure, and talent. There was time and talent at Holy Family House, but treasure was needed in order to grow strategically as Harford Family House. One of his favorite times was getting to know Bill White and HFH’s founders. Bill was passionate about buying Delle Grove Apartments and Harford Family House would not exist today without the original Board’s dedication and ministry to help the homeless.
Scott served on the Board until he reached a mandatory retirement period, and then he served as Capital Campaign Chair with Joyce Duffy until he was asked to join the Board again. Early on, he became involved in annual fundraising and donor stewardship to help collect needed funds. He spearheaded a $2 million capital campaign with Joyce and Jim Elwood to renovate the Delle Grove Apartment Building between board service periods.
Scott’s desire to help the homeless also extended to providing meals at the Harford Family House Emergency Shelter as part of the Rotary of Aberdeen since 2016. Scott furthered his volunteerism by creating the beloved Harford Family House fundraiser, Homeruns for the Homeless. This homerun derby has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last 16 years for those experiencing homelessness.
Scott’s dedication, advocacy, and generosity is unparalleled. We are so grateful for his immense support and incredible contributions to our mission over the years. To become a volunteer at Harford Family House, reach out to Sue Lebuhn at for more information.